Raja Yoga, The Authentic Practice - Rancho La Puerta
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Raja Yoga, The Authentic Practice

Week of February 15, 2020

Our true nature is joy! Unveiling the joy (jewel) within through this authentic and time-tested classical style of Raja Yoga, which is inclusive of all Yogas.  It combines the flowing physical postures, utilizing the breath with explanation of the Yoga philosophy and psychological aspects of each pose.

Dr. Mehrad Nazari’s balanced approach, in this flowing session will guide you through a consciousness-based and joyful journey into the heart of “Yoga” for the purposeful evolution of consciousness. In each posture there are different stages that practitioners are encouraged to use the suitable level. Mihaly Csikszentmihaly, the leading researcher in Positive Psychology and the pioneer in Peak Performance and Flow says: “the best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”

For practicing yogis the session will serve to deepen your practice. For new practitioners it will provide you with a solid base and time-tested tradition from which to grow. this classic method of  Yoga  will connect you to your underlying essence


Dr. Mehrad Nazari, E-RYT 500 with his wife Michele are the founders of Raja Yoga Institute and faculties at Esalen Institute in Big Sur California and Kripalu Health and Yoga Center in Massachusetts. Mehrad and Michele are consultants to the current research through a grant by National Institute of Health on the effect of Yogic breathing on the health of the brain. Mehrad was personally trained by Yogi Raj Walt Baptiste and has been teaching over 25 years. He was initiated in Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition by Swami Veda Bharati of Rishikesh India and has received initiation by the Zen Master Kyozan Joshu Roshi, and HH. The Dalai Lama.

With his wife Michele they lead Yoga and Meditation retreats Internationally and consult and train companies.  Dr. Nazari as an adjunct professor of Business Negotiation taught for ten years at U S Int’l University in San Diego. He advocates the application of Yoga principles to our daily and corporate life for joyful living in a sustainable environment and the health of our family, community and the planet.

He is the multi-award-winning author of: Enlightened Negotiation: 8 Universal Laws to connect, Create, and Prosper.  Dr. Nazari was selected as one the the 25 thought Leaders around globe by International Leadership Association to contribute a chapter to newly released book: Evolving Leadership for Collective Wellbeing: Lessons for Implementing the United Nations Sustainable Goal Developments.