Soul Collage® and The Art of Intuition - Rancho La Puerta
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Soul Collage® and The Art of Intuition

Week of July 27, 2019

SoulCollage® is a creative art process full of imagination and discovery. Using images from books and magazines, we’ll make small collages by gathering images, cutting and gluing them onto cards. The cards tap our own inner wisdom and access many sides of ourselves, our questions, relationships, and dreams. In a playful and supportive environment, we’ll step deeper into our cards to investigate what they mean, letting the images tell the stories to provide clarity and spark new ideas. Open to everyone, this process is powerful, fun, and requires no previous art experience! 2hrs.


Jennie Oppenheimer is an artist, educator and leader of mixed media and SoulCollage® workshops. She is the founder of SOULIO, an organization that delivers fun, creative workshops to help people of all ages discover their authentic voice. Jennie uses collage as a teaching tool for soulful investigation and self-expression.  After a career as a freelance Illustrator, working for Houghton Mifflin, Chronicle Books, Time Warner and The NY Times, Jennie went on to study with luminaries Angeles Arrien, David Whyte, Michael Meade, and Jean Houston. She has completed training in Experiential Art Therapy and SoulCollage facilitation. Jennie leads strategic vision retreats for organizations and wellness centers, as well as art workshops and wilderness quests for teens, and offers coaching to private clients.