The Inner Fitness Program
Week of March 9, 2019
The Inner Fitness Program in five sessions:
- The Big Shift: Love or Fear – What Does Mindfulness Have to Do with Relationships
- A Healthy Inner Dialogue – Why Inner Communication is the First Step to Healthy outer Communication
- Emotional Literacy – Neuroplasticity and the Eight Essential Keys to Emotional Fitness
- Powerful You – Our Impact on Others and Three Magical Words (that are not “I love you”)
- Create Your Best Life – What “wholehearted” Really Means in Love and Life
Linda Carroll holds a master’s degree in counseling and has practiced psychotherapy since 1981, specializing in couples and communication. She has been coaching since 2008 and has recently obtained certification as a Life Coach. She has authored two books on personal growth and healing and is a frequent presenter at the Ranch on the topic of love and relationships, based on her highly acclaimed book, Love Cycles, published by New World Library in 2014. Linda grew up in San Francisco during the 1950s and came of age during the countercultural 1960s. From her more traditional childhood, she preserves a faith in the importance of service, mystery, and reverence for all forms of life. From her early flower-child leanings, she has maintained a belief in looking “outside the box” for approaches to healing. Linda is delighted to share her recent training in the Inner Fitness Program by Emily Boorstein, CPCC, along with her own adaptions and changes with a special focus on intimacy and communication. Visit her website at