The Wonders of the Enneagram - Rancho La Puerta
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The Wonders of the Enneagram

Week of September 9, 2023

What’s My Type?
The Enneagram is a map of human consciousness representing nine different personalities. Each personality has a unique world view. Learning your enneatype and the enneatype of those around you can be life changing. All nine personalities will be reviewed, and a simple test will be handed out to guide you in your exploration. This is a great tool to practice acceptance, love, and forgiveness.

It IS All About You
Take a deeper dive into the nine enneagram types and gain greater insights into yourself and others. A test will be handed out.

The Wizard of the Enneagram
The individual quests of the three characters in the Wizard of Oz—The Lion, Scarecrow, and Tinman—are universal. The Enneagram refers to these three centers of intelligence as the gut, the head, and the heart. Learn which center is your driver and discover in yourself what the Wizard knew all along. A test will be handed out.

The Enneagram and the Laws of One, Three, and Seven
The Enneagram symbol has its roots in antiquity. Learn about its history, meaning, and how the nine personalities are derived from essential laws of the universe.

Betsy Ingalls has made an art and a career of exploring and analyzing diverse ways to empower individuals to become their best selves. Prior to founding the Bingalls School of Somatic Happiness in Santa Barbara, she worked as a financial advisor in Minneapolis. She has now taught both the Enneagram and Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement for almost 20 years. She has also shared her expertise on TV and as a presenter at various wellness festivals and institutions, of which her favorite is RLP.