Your Best Year - Rancho La Puerta
Types of Events:

Your Best Year

Week of September 6, 2025

Your Best Year: Finding Fulfillment in Unfulfilling Times
Our world today is rife with chaos and uncertainty. There is so much happening and a great deal of it is hard to bear. We long for change but are often unsure of how to have things be different. In these chaotic times, how do we maintain a sense of hope and possibility without ignoring everything around us?

Choose Your Perspective
Sometimes we feel like is happening to us and we have no choice about our day to day experience. We feel powerless and overwhelmed. In reality, however, we are creating our lives in each and every moment through the way we view or experiences and the choices we make. When we are at choice, we create an experience of being fully alive, empowered and free.

Emotional Fluency
So often, we shove our emotions aside or stuff them deep inside. Yet, our emotions are a window into our truth and having access to a full range of emotions is an important part of living a powerful and deeply satisfying life. When we develop emotional fluency, we are able to navigate our emotional world with greater ease and bring greater energy and resonance to the whole of our life.

Know Your Values
Our personal values represent our unique and individual essence and serve as a compass for how to be true to ourselves. When we honor our values, life is rich and fulfilling. Knowing and honoring our personal values is key to building self-worth, self-confidence and becoming the authors of our own life story. 

Create Your Best Life
Taking ownership of our life story is a critical part of creating a life that we love and, just like we plan our finances and design our homes, we can design a life that we love. Giving voice to our deepest longings can point us and conscious action can guide us in manifesting our best life, one that is rich with fulfillment, balance, self-expression and joy!


Karen Kimsey-House, MFA, CPCC is one of the earliest recognized luminaries in the coaching profession and the co-founder of The Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), the foremost coach training program in the world.  For over 28 years, Karen has been working with coaches and leaders to create resonate, fulfilling lives that are the highest expression of their unique gifts and true life purpose.  Karen is the co-author of the industry best seller Co-Active Coaching, now in its fourth edition. Co-Active Coaching has been translated into fifteen languages and is considered a seminal text for the coaching profession. Since her first visit to the Ranch, Karen has been in love with Rancho La Puerta and is honored to support Ranch guests in cultivating the inner fitness that fosters joyful aliveness and lasting vitality.