Your Life Is Your Stage: Improvisation for Non-Performers - Rancho La Puerta
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Your Life Is Your Stage: Improvisation for Non-Performers

Week of March 23, 2024

We are ALL improvisational actors (performing nightly and daily!) without a script. Sometimes our scenes are set at home; sometimes at work. Some are funny; some are serious. Yet each plays out better when relationships and interactions are fresh and “in the moment.” So let’s get on a stage that is totally safe. No critics allowed. No headshot and resume required!

Who’s Who? Let’s Play!
While having fun playing improv games, let’s get to know each other so that we may make new friends during our stay at Rancho – and beyond.

Just Say Yes!!
The secret to success in improv and life: Going after your objectives is most fulfilling when you recognize and embrace what you are given by others.

Pause, Refresh, Re-Invent
Center me! Integrate improvisational games to enrich your mindfulness practice.

When Life Gets Messy, Improvise
Choose it and use it: Improv has proven tools to resolve conflicts in your personal and professional life.

Team Building
Ever wish you could take The Ranch back home with you? You’ll learn great games you can share with family, friends and business associates. Get ready for some meaningful fun!


Since 1997, Marc Purchin has used the principles of improvisation in his conflict resolution work as a professional mediator, trainer and coach – who has also studied and performed improvisational comedy along the way! Learn more about Marc at