Sweet Potato Rounds with Power Guacamole Recipe - Rancho La Puerta
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Sweet Potato Rounds with Power Guacamole Recipe

Keep your head in the game with these tasty appetizers.

Superbowl Sunday is a touchdown for avocado sales. Guacamole is one of the most eaten snacks during the game. Make yours extra beneficial and maximize the brain health benefits that avocados offer by adding additional omega 3’s with hemp and pistachio. Everybody wins.

2 large wide sweet potatoes, peeled
2 large avocados
1/4 cup pistachios, roughly chopped
1/4 cup hemp seeds
1 clove garlic, finely minced
Olive oil
Sea salt
Cracked black pepper
Pomegranate seeds for garnish

1. Slice sweet potato into 1/4 inch rounds.
2. Brush rounds lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Lay separately on a parchment lined baking sheet.
4. Roast at 350 for about 15 minutes, just until soft but not browned.
5. Mash avocado with garlic, add hemp and pistachio.
6. Top each cooked round with a dollop of guacamole and 3-4 pomegranate seeds.


Download Sweet Potato Avocado Rounds PDF

Jean Courtney is a researcher, writer, entrepreneur, and perpetual learner on a mission to make everyday wellness easy and efficient.  A decade ago, after retiring as a legal investigator, Jean shifted her focus to learning everything possible to try and avoid dementia that found her mom.  She teamed up with Isabel after a discussion about the toll dementia had taken on each of their families, and has been collaborating on easy, efficient and delicious ways to cook using neuroprotective ingredients and with an emphasis on minimizing inflammation and maximizing brain function. Jean recently completed a Soil to Table certification program living at Tres Estrellas organic farm and learning and practicing regenerative farming and food preservation techniques.  She is a firm believer that your DNA is not always your destiny – your dinner plate can be your destiny.


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