Heidi, 25 visits - Rancho La Puerta
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We all need a safe haven to recharge and reboot. Heidi, a loyal Ranch guest of 25 times, last visited in February 2021. In this video, she explains she views Rancho La Puerta as one of the happiest places on earth.

“A significant part of the Ranch’s magic & enduring appeal is that it has something for everybody, first-timers as well as frequent repeaters, and always gives you exactly what you need, whether you know what that will be or not.
The Ranch has always felt like a sanctuary & safe place to retreat from the rigors of the “real world”, but now more so than ever. After a year of being constrained by the pandemic, coming here where I can breathe freely & let my soul expand with the joy of life again is the healthiest thing I can do for myself.”
–Heidi, 25 visits

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