We Are All In This Together
Last week we took a stand against racial injustice. We paused our communications to make space for conversations around us. During this time of silence, both individually and collectively, we discussed the role The Ranch can play in changing the future.
Listening, expressing, acknowledging, healing, embracing, and leaning into each other are some of the basic tenets by which we define The Ranch’s existence. As we return this week to “Voices of The Ranch,” our resolve is to bring you thought provoking and moving conversations to help us examine our beliefs and our opportunities, reaffirm our shared humanity and see how we can become better allies, standing for justice and compassion.
Join us in the first of several healing dialogues with Barry and Deborah; see the schedule below. These may be uncomfortable and challenging, but also insightful, and inspiring. We can’t promise how they will turn out, we can promise that we won’t let fear get in the way of our mission to be a place for healing and transformation.
André Salvage is a business consultant, motivational speaker, and educator who specializes in teaching the skills of communication, de-escalation, conflict resolution, leadership, bias and harassment awareness, and safety from the foundation that success requires us to act from our True Nature and not our Ego.
Born in the crime-ridden neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles, André Salvage successfully moved beyond becoming a product of his environment. He combined the practical knowledge and survival savvy of a former street fighter with the deep understanding and wisdom of a compassionate teacher. Mr. Salvage’s background, natural ability, sensitivity, and talent to see and hear the messages behind people’s words, egos, and defenses has helped him create effective, accessible training programs for organizations and individuals. In a safe environment, he challenges people to look past their fears and issues and offers practical alternatives to these habits.
For over thirty years, André Salvage and Associates has helped thousands of organizations and individuals in the U.S. and globally, including Kaiser Permanente, the San Francisco Dept. of Public Health, The John Stewart Company, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, Rancho La Puerta, Mercy Housing, Donor Network West, Pier 39 Security and Marina, and the U.S. National Park Service.
Follow-up from the webcast:
Here is the link to André Salvage’s George Floyd article: https://mailchi.mp/469ccf71d0f4/georgefloyd-the-dehumanization-of-a-man.
Here are André’s resource recommendations:
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
“Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” by Beverly Daniel Tatum
The Color of Fear: Part 1 (1994 documentary)
When They See Us (2019)
Oprah Winfrey Presents: When They See Us Now (2019)
Code Switch
Good Ancestor Podcast
On Being interview with Resmaa Menakem (Episodes 842 & 843)
“Seeing White” series on Scene On Radio http://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/
The Breakdown with Shaun King
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