Dance Cardio Hip Hop with Connie

Bring out your inner J-lo and have a ton of fun while seriously getting your cardio on. This is Dance Cardio Hip Hop and I have to say, it’s been one of my favorite classes I’ve taken at the Ranch. For some reason, whenever I take a dance class, I never think it’s going to kick my butt and then I’m always surprised to have gotten such a good workout. I was actually thinking about this while taking the class. I was so concentrated on getting the steps right that I didn’t realize that I was out of breath.
The highlight of the class was our teacher Connie. She has such a vibrant personality and it’s hard not to get inspired by her infectious affinity for fun. Plus she is an amazing dancer. I used to listen hip hop all the time, so the music in the class brought back a lot of memories of my younger days when I used to go out dancing. Oh, the good old days. If only I had taken this class back then, right?
The thing about hip hop dancing is that it’s easy to pick up the steps if you listen to the beat. I guess that can be said of any kind of dance, but to me, it especially relates to hip hop because that’s the most noticeable part of the song. The way that Connie teaches it is one little bit at a time so it’s not overwhelming and then by the end of the class you’re doing an entire dance. Plus the music! So fun…I highly recommend this one next time you’re down at the Ranch.