How to Prepare for a Fulfilling Retirement

How to Prepare for a Fulfilling Retirement
It might be unusual for someone aged 35 to go to a talk regarding preparing for retirement. I was the youngest person in the class, and the primary reason I went was to write about it here on the blog. Many of the The Ranch guests are Baby Boomers who are close to or have passed the retirement age.
However, I’m glad I went to the talk because it made me think of retirement in a different way than what’s traditionally said about it, which revolves around saving enough money in order to do it. There’s much more to retirement than just having enough funds to have ample free time. What matters is what you do with the free time once you have it.
The class was taught at The Ranch by Yoshiko Inagaki, a Life Purpose Coach. In her enlightening talk she stated facts about retirement:
- 2 million Baby Boomers retire on an annual basis.
- We are programmed to succeed since birth, however once people retire they often:
- Lose their sense of purpose, social opportunities, and structure.
- Feel unproductive and disconnected from society.
- Boredom sets in within 10 months.
- Many retirees try to escape boredom through alcohol and prescription drugs.
- According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, alcohol and prescription drugs are the fastest growing problem in for people aged 60+.
- The major epidemic within this age group is daytime television viewing.
- People 65+ watch and average of 7.5 hours of television a day.
- This sedentary lifestyle can lead to a host of health issues.
These stats can no doubt be viewed as depressing, however I think it’s important to view them as enlightening. Your own retirement does not have to end up like these stats. The second part of Yoshiko’s talk went into how to prepare for a fulfilling retirement.
Baby Boomers are changing the definition of retirement. No longer does it only involve the “means” in which to retire, but it also involves “meaning” in the age of retirement.
The means to retire involves safety, security, and physiological needs (food and shelter). However, retirement should not be looked at as the end of your purpose in life, it should be looked at as a new chapter that incorporates a higher meaning. It should be personalized to each person’s life purpose. In short, Baby Boomers are saying, don’t retire! Instead, move on to a new fulfilling project whether it’s starting a new business, taking up a hobby, or becoming involved in the community. The key is to continue the structure that was in place pre-retirement to fulfill these human needs:
- Self-Actualization
- Self Esteem
- Love and Belonging
Yoshiko emphasizes that planning is key! Follow these five steps in order to have insight and awareness into your future retirement:
- Figure out what is meaningful to you.
- Visualize the next chapter of your life.
- Find your passion.
- Find your unique creative edge and decide how you want to express it.
- Figure out your purpose, or calling.
The perceptions around career and retirement are changing. No longer are we working just to retire and then enjoy life. Now, we are finding purpose in our work, purpose in our retirement, and even work in the chapter of retirement. After all, if you love what you do for work, you may never want to retire! The great news is that the meaning and purpose of your retirement is in your own hands.
Yoshiko Inagaki, a deep spiritual seeker, loves to share her sense of adventure and endless curiosity for life. She sees herself as a unique blend between Dan Brown of The Da Vinci Code and Eckhart Tolle of The Power of Now. She is a Teacher, Speaker, Life Purpose Coach, Graphologist and Symbologist with a kaleidoscopic, visionary mindset. She delivers her message through thought-provoking, inspirational multimedia presentations that captivate her audience by interpreting reality through the eyes of a modern mystic. Elegantly decoding the symbolism behind what’s on the surface, Yoshiko utilizes the teachings of mythology, practical psychology, geometry, and ageless wisdom. She has given talks in the U.S., Mexico and Japan, drawing rave reviews from her audiences and peers. She has an MBA in International Business, and has worked in the corporate world for over 25 years (World Bank, Toyota, U.S. Embassy in Japan). Yoshiko is very excited to be returning to Rancho La Puerta to offer her illuminating programs to the guests.
The Ranch offers a variety of workshops, presentations, entertainment, and learning experiences to accommodate all of our guest’s requests and interests.