Date Shake Recipe from Meadow Linn
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Date Shake from Meadow Linn

Don’t tell anyone but this delicious Date Shake is gluten-free and vegan. It tastes so good you’ll forget it’s made with all-natural raw ingredients. The banana brings a wealth of vitamins and minerals, including potassium to this natural electrolyte thirst quencher. Dates have a healthy dose of fiber and have natural sugars for an energy-boosting addition.

It’s so quick and easy to make it’s a perfectly refreshing summertime treat after working out. It’s also a fun afternoon pick me up to share with a friend.

This delicious shake recipe comes from Guest Chef Instructor Meadow Linn’s website She’ll be teaching at The Ranch June 3 – 9.

Makes Two 12 0z drinks.

1/3 cup raw cashews

1 frozen peeled banana, broken into pieces

2 medjool dates, pits removed

ice (I use 8 ice cube tray-sized cubes)

1 cup almond milk

Meadow’s directions:

I use a Vita-Mix, which has a very powerful motor. With a standard blender, consider starting with less ice until you’re sure it can handle 8 cubes.

Place all ingredients in the blender in the order listed. Process—with the top on—by starting at the lowest setting and slowly increasing the speed until you’re on the highest setting. Blend until smooth.

See more refreshing drink recipes from The Ranch.