Lunge Booty Pop with Shanti Tilling of Move your Asana®

Move Your Asana® Lunge Booty Pop with Guest Fitness Instructor Shanti Tilling
Guest Instructor Shanti will bring her Move Your Asana® program to the Ranch the week of October 14 -20. This total body class challenges your core strength and legs – especially your booty 😉
- Start in a strong mountain pose: feet hip-width apart and arms at sides. Inhale.
- Keeping abdominals engaged, raise right knee to waist height while maintaining a straight left leg.
- Inhale, step right foot back to high lunge position and sweep arms overhead.
- Exhale, contract abdominals to round over, and reach hands to floor (low lunge).
- Inhale left foot back and up to “booty pop.”
- Exhale left foot back to low lunge.
- Inhale and raise arms to overhead to high lunge.
- Exhale to shift weight forward and raise right knee to waist height.
Repeat 5-10 times then switch legs.
Shanti is the co-creator of Move Your Asana® Fitness • Yoga (MYA), a non-impact, athletic, total body strength and flexibility workout that flows like a yoga class.
MYA takes the emotional strength and centering that comes from linking breathe to fluid movements in yoga, and blends that with the physical strength and cardio elements from your favorite mat pilates, barre and interval training classes. It is fitness that flows! Each class focuses on attention to form, intelligent sequencing, and movement through all planes of motion to create a balanced body.
See more booty sculpting opportunities at The Ranch.