In the spirit of giving – Tres Estrellas

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.
One of the most treasured experiences for guests at the Ranch is to visit Tres Estrellas, our organic farm. The six-acre farm produces 50-80%, of the fruits, vegetables and herbs that we serve our guests, during the course of the year. Co-founder, Deborah Szekely, tells our guests that she and the Professor started the garden on the day they arrived in 1940. Growing our own food and living close to the earth has always been a part of The Ranch’s core philosophy.
Following the suggested health guidelines of social distancing and staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Ranch closed its doors to guests and staff nearly 8 weeks ago. The garden does not know that we no longer have guests to feed and it keeps producing beautiful vegetables. Isn’t nature such a marvel! Our gardeners are working a half on and half off schedule; meaning half of them work one week and then half of them work the next week. The vegetables they are planting now will feed, nourish and welcome our guests when we reopen.
In the spirit of giving and supporting our beloved community, we are sharing this produce with our Ranch family. Every Tuesday 100 of our Tecate-based staff come to Tres Estrellas and are given freshly picked vegetables. To keep within our social distancing guidelines we rotate times for pick up. My grandma used to say, “sharing is caring” and from the happy looks on our staff’s faces there is a lot of love and caring in the air!
We hope that you are spreading the love in your own communities.