Curiosity Unleashed: Harnessing the Power of Inquiry for an Insightful New Year - Rancho La Puerta
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Curiosity Unleashed: Harnessing the Power of Inquiry for an Insightful New Year

Week of September 13, 2025

New Beginnings: Mastering the Art of Being Present with Yourself
Explore what it means to be truly present with oneself and examine what might get in the way. Explore ways of aligning with your inner self, quieting the mind, and discovering what’s possible for 2024. Inner Fitness (Presence)-Laura Francis session 1

Embracing the Gift of Connection: Cultivating Curiosity in the New Year
How do you approach relationships from a place of curiosity, rather than judgment or assumption? Gain new insights and tools to deepen your relationships and strengthen connections with those around you. InnerFitness-Laura Francis session 2(curiosity with others)

The Gift of Inquiry- Strengths and Saboteurs
Do you know your strengths and how to leverage them to achieve your goals? What about your saboteurs – those negative thoughts and behaviors that get in the way? We will discuss coaching tools to help you tap into your strengths to achieve personal fulfillment. Inner Fitness-Laura Francis session 3(strengths&saboteurs

Design Your New Life in The New Year–At Any Age and Stage
We’ll explore the phases of design thinking and you’ll learn tools for getting “unstuck”. This session is designed for all generations and will address the unique challenges and perspectives of each. Don’t miss this opportunity to design the life you truly want. Kickstart your 2024! InnerFitness- Laura Francis-session 4(designing)

The Secret to Living in Flow
In this final session we will explore what happens when things don’t go as planned. We will discuss how to get back into the flow after a bad day or setback. This session will provide valuable insights and tools to help you stay on course towards a more fulfilling life. Inner Fitness-Laura Francis session 5(secret)


Laura Francis is passionate about unlocking and encouraging the voices of those experiencing life’s transitions. She is the founder of Unlock You coaching and brings over 30 years of diverse experience to her work as a career and life coach. Featured in the New York Times, Laura is an expert on teen, young adult and midlife and the issues currently affecting those populations. She is also co-founder of The Roundtable, an interactive workshop centered on career choices. Laura is an ICF certified life coach and an active member of the Forbes Coaches Council. She is also a designing your life certified coach through the Stanford University Design-lab.