The Tri Core Workout

What I’ve found since I’ve started getting back into shape is that my core or abs are pretty weak. I guess already knew this, but I didn’t realize how much we use our core in basic exercises. Also, how much our back relies on our abs. I took a TRX class which I will also be writing about where I was trying to do a plank. Instead of doing a straight plank, my belly was hanging down and my butt was sticking up. I had no idea I was doing this by the way until my teacher told me to straighten up and pull my lower back up straight. It was SO hard to do.
I asked her after class, what I should do for a weak lower back. She said the problem wasn’t my lower back, it was my core that was weak. Well, that was an eye opener for me!
So I have made it my mission ever since to work on my core…which, I’ll admit, I do not like doing. I’ll work on my arms, legs, butt, anything to avoid working on my abs. Unfortunately, if you want to get in shape, you can’t avoid it.
I saw the Tri-Core Workout in the schedule and thought to myself, you need to go to this class. Don’t avoid it, just do it! Mike, one of my favorite people here at the Rancho, was our teacher. There were a lot of people in the class, but none of us seemed to be that enthused to be working on our core. We were all there for the same reason! I didn’t feel alone.
Mike got us going first using these discs that we placed under the balls of our feet. We then used them to slide to do lunges and side steps utilizing our core. Then, the hard part. Using the discs to slide back into the plank position, slide your legs closer to your body and then back to plank.
The hardest part of the class to me was using the flex bar. It not only works out your abs, but also your arms and it was killer. I thought my arms might fall off! The last part was using those large exercise balls to do crunches. I learned the proper way to do a crunch so now I can do them at home also which is great. Actually, I’m pretty proud of myself for first of all making it through the whole class and secondly, doing pretty well. I’ve definitely found just over the past few weeks my abs have surprisingly gotten stronger in such a short amount of time.