Mexican Roasted Corn Recipe- Elote - Rancho La Puerta
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Mexican Roasted Corn Recipe- Elote

Elote is a popular roasted corn sold by street vendors in Mexico. Typically, the corn is slathered with mayonnaise, Mexican cheese, and peppers. We love The Ranch version that skips the mayo and heads straight to the salty parmesan, butter, a twist of lime, and a celebratory kick of paprika.

Serves 4


4 ears of corn, husks removed

4 teaspoons butter

4 tablespoons grated parmesan

4 teaspoons paprika

1 lime, quartered


  1. Pre-heat the grill on high for gas, or prepare the coals.
  2. Grill the corn for 12 – 15 minutes or until you start to see some charring and the kernels are golden-brown. Rotate every two to three minutes.
  3. Remove the corn and allow to cool until you can comfortably handle.
  4. Now you have one of two options. You could slather the corn with butter, sprinkle with parmesan, a big pinch of paprika, and a squeeze of lime. OR, you could mix together the cheese and spices and spread them on a plate, then butter the corn and roll it across the mixture then add a squeeze of lime on top. Rolling the corn in the mixture is messier but provides a nice even coating.
  5.  You’re ready to serve. If you prefer to eat your corn off the cob, make un vasito de elotes, or little corn cups, by shaving the kernels off the cob and mixing all the ingredients together in a bowl and spooning individual servings. ¡Buen Provecho! 

See more favorite recipes of The Ranch.