Our Best Years Ever Reimagined: Aging Courageously in Every Season of Life
Taken from Dr. Ken’s best-selling book, Courageous Aging, participants will take the Courageous Aging Self-Audit, and learn to break free of self-limiting myths, biases, stereotypes, and misconceptions they have about getting older, summon newfound strength, courage, peace, purpose, love and joy for whatever season of life they’re in and create a Master Plan for their best possible future.
Healing The Losses of Our Lives
Dr. Druck’s work in Grief Literacy and best-selling book, The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own, have changed the ways we build resilience and respond to losses of every kind. This program on how to go on after a loss has assisted countless thousands of families, including those who lost loved ones in some of our nation’s greatest strategies including 9-11, Sandy Hook, Katrina, Columbine, Las Vegas and COVID-19.
Life-Altering Guidelines for Families in the Second Half of Life
Taken from Dr. Druck’s most recent best-selling book, Raising an Aging Parent: Guidelines for Families in the Second Half of Life, this class will deepen our understanding and give us the tools to effectively deal with the most critical issues that arise between adult children, siblings and aging parents. Participants will learn a variety of approaches for nurturing, healing and strengthening their family relationships.
Cultivating the Practice of Self-Care and Self-Compassion
Upgrade your capacity for self-care and self-compassion — and significantly improve the overall quality of your life in this program. Participants will take the Handbook of Self-Care Audit, learn concrete steps for taking better care of ourselves and cultivate self-care as a daily practice. Dr. Ken’s mantra to “Take your foot off your throat and place your hand on your heart” shows us how to use the voice of self-compassion, kindness, patience, encouragement, and humility.
Dr. Ken Druck is an internationally known thought leader and recipient of the prestigious Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award. Having guided audiences, clients and the general public on the issues of aging, healing after loss, parenting, male psychology and self-care over the past 45 years, his programs, articles, classes and best-selling books, Courageous Aging, The Real Rules of Life, The Self-Care Handbook, Healing Your Life After the Loss of a Loved One, and Raising an Aging Parent have been featured regularly on CNN, Oprah, Larry King, PBS specials. His work on transforming adversity into opportunity appears in the world’s top newspapers and social media sites. His company, Druck Enterprises Inc., is an international coaching/consulting, publishing, and speaking organization based in Del Mar, California. www.kendruck.com