Building Strength with Kettlebells

Kettlebells are steel balls that look a lot like a cannonball with a handle. Despite their intimidating appearance, they are highly effective when used with proper form. Lauren Brooks is the founder of KEFI- KettleBell Essentials Fitness Instructor, a certified clinical nutritionist, and has a degree in kinesiology. She is a leading pioneer in Kettlebell education and the author of “Kettlebell For Women.”
She recently took a break from her popular On the Edge Fitness Gym to teach her Kettlebell classes at The Ranch. She shared these three reasons why she thinks kettlebells may be the ultimate workout:
Why Kettlebells?
- Kettlebell training can get your body extremely strong, powerful, and conditioned in just a few minutes a day. Kettlebell workouts are full body, so they help build overall strength and power in each workout.
- Kettlebell training really increases the strength and structure in your hips, glutes, and core, which has shown to eliminate and prevent back pain. Contrary to what people often think about Kettlebell swings before they try them, these exercises have been shown to reduce pain in the back, shoulders, and neck when done correctly.
- Kettlebell training is one of the most efficient ways to train your entire body from head to toe and is one of the most versatile training tools around. Since you get a full body workout in less time, it’s perfect for busy moms and dads.
See more of the excellent fitness classes offered at Rancho La Puerta or more fitness tips.